Yoga poses for core strength are now a popular and well-known topic. At the same time, yoga has been practiced for over 5000 years.

The best part about yoga is that you can do it anytime and anywhere, all you need is a little time and space, and yoga can increase your flexibility and strength to the next level.

Yoga doesn’t require you to be an athlete or fitness enthusiast, anyone can benefit from it.

Some of the beneficial aspects of yoga:

  1. Improved strength, balance, flexibility
  2. Better posture
  3. Better focus
  4. Build endurance
  5. Reduce joint pain
  6. Manage Stress
  7. Lower heart rate and blood pressure
  8. Improve mood

These are some facts to encourage you to try yoga.

Yoga does not require working with weights or gym memberships.

It is a fact that yoga poses can be used to deliberately build strength, but it all depends on which yoga poses you are working on.

Indeed yoga is the best practice for gaining strength and mobility. But doing only basic yoga poses is not the most effective way to build up strength. It is important to ensure that you are engaging with more challenging poses in order to attain better strength, coordination, balance, and mobility.

Let’s get started,

Which yoga poses for core strength, and how can yoga help with it?

For better core strength, power yoga, and hatha yoga are branches of yoga that develop the strength of the muscles.

Power yoga is also known as vinyasa yoga; vinyasa yoga is fast-paced yoga that typically builds strength and endurance.

Hatha yoga: This yoga is known for stretching the body’s capacity with the help of body posture, movement, and breathing techniques.

To build greater strength and consistency, holding the position for a longer duration is the key to better strength building.

In one study in 2012, women who have been doing an ashtanga yoga session for 60 minutes for about eight-month, have found that their leg press strength has improved.

Another study in India shows that 71 participants who’ve been doing hatha yoga for just 1 hour for about 12 weeks have increased handgrip strength and increased strength in the legs.

Yoga Poses for Core Strength

1. Plank – Phalakasana

Yoga Poses for Core Strength

The plank yoga pose is a great way to build strength and stability in your core muscles. It helps improve posture, balance, and flexibility. Phalakasana is also beneficial for strengthening the arms, shoulders, legs, and glutes.

Benefits of plank pose

  1. Improve body posture
  2. Reduce backache
  3. Strengthen core
  4. Reduce belly fat
  5. Boost metabolism

How to do it?

  1. Lie down on your hand and knees. (Make sure the wrist aligns with the shoulder).
  2. Hold tight your butt, core, and quads the whole time.
  3. Now, your body is in a linear position from head to heels.
  4. Look toward the floor to keep your neck aligned with your spine.
  5. Hold for 10-15 seconds. 

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2. Side Plank – Vasisthasana

Side Plank - Yoga Poses for Core Strength

Side plank yoga poses for core strength engage the entire body, from the core to the arms, legs, and shoulders. This pose strengthens the muscles of your back and abdomen, as well as improves balance and posture.

The benefit of the side plank pose

  1. Improve coordination
  2. Improve balance
  3. Strengthen core
  4. Strengthen arms, wrists, and legs area

How to do it?

  1. Lean over your body to the left side and shift your weight onto your left arm.
  2. Now, lift your right foot and embrace both of your legs together.
  3. You balanced your body with the support of your left arm and left leg.
  4. Engage with your core for balance in this pose.
  5. You can put your other hand on your waist, or, if you feel balanced, you can lift your hand in the air.
  6. Stay in this position for 10 seconds and breathe as deeply as you can.

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3. Chair Pose – Utkatasana

The chair yoga pose is a great way to improve strength and stability. It helps to build strength in the legs, core, and arms while also stretching the muscles of the back and chest. Utkatasana can help to improve balance, posture, and flexibility while strengthening the body from head to toe.

Benefits of chair pose

  1. Strengthen your thigh
  2. Stabilize bone
  3. Increased flexibility and power to the arms and shoulder
  4. Improved breathing capacity

How to do it?

  1. Stand straight with your feet placed next to each other.
  2. Place your hands in the air with your palms facing each other.
  3. Now, take a seat, assuming you are sitting on a chair in the same position. (If you can go deeper, that will be more beneficial).
  4. Hold your abdominals tight.
  5. Wait in that position for 10 seconds.

​4. Four-Limbed Staff Pose – Chaturanga Dandasana

The four-limber staff yoga pose is an effective way to build strength and improve flexibility. It requires balancing on one arm while the other is stretched out in front of you. This pose strengthens the core, arms, and legs, while also increasing balance and stability.

The benefit of four-limber staff pose

  1. Strengthen your core
  2. Strengthen quads area
  3. Build flexibility & strength in your wrist
  4. Strengthen the biceps, triceps, and forearm area

How to do it?

  1. Come into a plank position, not on your elbows but on your palms.
  2. Now, your body weight is on your palms and toes.
  3. Engage your thighs and abdominal area.
  4. Stay in this position for as long as you can.

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5. Warrior 1 – Virabhadrasana I

The warrior pose consists of three poses, the first of which builds strength in the shoulders, legs, and spine simultaneously. Practicing this yoga pose will give your core more strength and increase flexibility in the hips, legs, shoulders, and feet.

The benefit of warrior one pose

  1. Strengthen shoulder, legs, arms, neck, back, and ankles
  2. Promotes better respiration 
  3. Improves stability, posture, and focus

How to do it?

  1. Stand straight, keeping your left leg forward and ensuring that your toes are facing forward
  2. Let your left knee be bent into a lunge position.
  3. Turn your right leg behind you at a 45-degree angle.
  4. Put your hands over your head and keep your shoulders down.
  5. Raise your chin to your hand.
  6. Hold this position for ten long exhalations.

6. Boat pose – Naukasana

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Boat pose also known as naukasana is a great yoga strengthening pose. Naukasana originates from Sanskrit vocabulary. This pose is ideal for losing excess fat and strengthening the abdominal, spine, hip flexor, and back muscles.

The benefit of warrior one pose

  1. Strengthen the spine, abdominal, and back muscles.
  2. Toned stomach area
  3. Relieve back pain
  4. Stretch hamstrings
  5. Enhance balance 
  6. Lose belly fat

How to do it?

  1. Begin by sitting on the floor with your knees bent and hands by your sides.
  2. Lift your knee to 45 degrees and make sure to keep your spine straight, not rounded.
  3. Lift your hand parallel to the ground.
  4. Straighten your legs and, if you can, make a V shape between your thighs and torso.
  5. Maintain this posture for ten deep breaths.

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These are the best yoga poses for core strength. Doing yoga regularly for an hour can provide countless benefits and help to develop peace and harmony within an individual for the betterment of life.

Although people are also doing yoga for strength training, these are some of the advanced yoga poses for building strength, flexibility, posture, and more.


How to Strengthen Wrist for Yoga

Wrist strength and flexibility are important to avoid injury and to support proper alignment in poses.
Here are some exercises that help you strengthen your wrist.
1. Wrist Stretches
2. Wrist Circle
3. Push-Ups
4. Handstands
5. Forearm Plank
Try these exercises to gain wrist strength.

Is Yoga Good for Strength?

Yes, yoga is a great way to build strength. Through the practice of yoga, you work on strengthening your muscles, improving your posture, and increasing your flexibility. The controlled movements and poses help to build strength in the muscles, especially in the core, legs, arms, and back.

How to Build Upper Body Strength for Yoga?

Building upper body strength is an important aspect of practicing yoga, as it allows you to perform poses with stability and control.
Here are some yoga poses that help you to attain upper body strength.
1. Cobra pose
2. Arm Balance
3. Chaturanga Dandasana
4. Plank Hold
This yoga poses help you to build upper body strength.

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