Eating a high and right amount of carbs is good for health. But knowing which carbs are good and which are not is even better for us.

Carbohydrate is one of the common nutrients found in foods and drinks.

Carbohydrates are stored in glucose, which converts into energy for body cells, tissue, and organs. Most whole food contains carbohydrates which are highly nutritious and healthy.

But, not all carbohydrates are not on the same page.

If we look on the other side, refined carbs and simple carbs are also part of carbohydrates, but these carbs have no nutrients or fiber.

Disadvantages of Eating Refined Carbs

  • Promote hunger for more refined carbs
  • Obesity
  • Insulin Resistance
  • Type-2 Diabetes
  • Mood disorder
  • Heart diseases
  • Hyperactivity
  • Increased number of diseases

In this guide, you explore what refined carbs are and why you should limit this.

Let’s get started,

What are Refined Carbs?

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Also known as Bad carbs, processed carbs, or simple carbs.

Refined carbs do not contain any nutrients, fiber, and bran; these foods are white bread, pasta, pizza dough, white flour, dessert, white rice, cookies, and breakfast cereals. Refined foods are digested quickly and have a high glycemic index, giving rise to blood sugar levels and insulin levels after meals.

These foods may also affect mood fluctuations and energy and also increases fat percentage around the waistline.

Foods with a higher glycemic index may cause overeating and build up many diseases.

When you eat processed and refined carb foods, these foods raise the sugar level in your blood vessel, which later triggers a spike in insulin levels.

These carbs can feed your stomach and can leave you satiety, but for 1 or 2 hours and after that, you will be hungry; this is why these carbs trigger hunger and make you overeat 

  1. Overeat
  2. Insulin resistance
  3. Type-2 diabetes
  4. High blood pressure
  5. Obesity
  6. Heart Disease
  7. Mood Fluctuations
  8. Hyperactivity

What are Good Carbs and Bad Carbs?

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Our body requires a higher amount of carbohydrates for survival. Carbohydrates convert into glucose, and glucose is the primary source of energy. Many studies show that 45-65% of calories should come from carbohydrates.

But, these carbs should come from complex carbs or unrefined carbs instead of refined carbs or processed carbs.

Simple carbs and unrefined carbs have lower glycemic levels and are digested slowly, which prevents an unwanted surge in blood sugar levels.

Simple carbs or unrefined carbs are nutrient-dense and high in fiber which can prevent severe disease.

  1. Aid weight loss
  2. Prevent serious disease
  3. Improve energy level
  4. Prevent high blood pressure
  5. Fight against type-2 diabetes
  6. Protect from cardiovascular issues

Know More: What Are 20 Foods That Burn Fat?

What are Good Refined Carbs List

  1. Non-starchy vegetables: Sprouts, spinach, beans, tomatoes, celery, broccoli, onions, cauliflower, mushrooms, cabbages, peppers, and salad greens.
  2. Unrefined Whole grains: Oatmeal, whole wheat, brown rice, multigrain bread.
  3. Fruits: Berries, melons, oranges, lemons, peaches, cherries, pears, bananas, and apples.
  4. Legumes: Lentils, peas like kidney beans, black beans, baked beans, soybeans.
  5. Nuts: Cashews, walnuts, almonds, peanuts.

Know More: Are Oranges Good For Abs

What are Refined Carbs to Avoid

  • Sugary beverages: Fruits juice, coffee, tea, soft drinks, sports drinks, energy drinks, soda, chocolate milk,
  • Alcohol/Beer
  • Regular pasta, pizza, cookies, candies
  • White bread
  • Cereals
  • Sweetened yogurt
  • Milk
  • Chips and Wafers

Also Read: Foods that Should be Avoided Completely when Losing Weight

Refined carbs encouraged overeating

It is a fact that the maximum population is suffering from obesity because of too much eating of refined carbs. 

The reason for obesity is because of overeating; refined carbs tend to be low in fiber content and can easily digestible; this is the reason refined carbs promote overeating.

Refined food is easily digestible means promoting overeating because these foods are high in the glycemic index; foods that tend to have a high glycemic index are the food that promotes fullness for the short term.

Foods with a low glycemic index promote satiety, which lasts for 2-3 hours.

How to avoid sugar and refined carbs?

It sounds easy, but it’s not that easy to ignore desserts, pizza, burgers, and more.

Eating the right complex carbs, unrefined carbs, or whole foods such as unrefined whole grains, nuts, legumes, and non-starchy veggies will result in lower and firm blood pressure.

The key is to avoid sugar, and refined carbs are

  1. Make whole foods and complex carbs or unrefined carbs your best friend.
  2. Engage with exercise.
  3. Set a goal for losing weight.
  4. Switching with good carbs.
  5. Eat healthy snacks.
  6. Slowly lower the amount of sugar.
  7. Avoid sugary drinks and a sugar-containing diet.
  8. Avoid processed foods.
  9. Find the benefit of eating the right carbs.
  10. Count your calorie intake.
  11. Avoid eating out.
  12. Focusing on high protein, high fiber, and good fat foods.
  13. Check the label before buying food.

Go with the right carbs such as whole foods, unrefined carbs, and complex carbs can lower the insulin percentage and promote healthy weight.

Also Read: Good Sources Of Protein That Arent Meat

Why switch to good carbs?

Switching to good carbs comes with many other health benefits like

Health benefit of switching to good carbs

  1. It helps in easy digestion
  2. Fill your stomach for hours
  3. Maintain a good healthy weight
  4. Energy source
  5. Keeps good cholesterol 
  6. Whole foods are nutrient-dense
  7. Prevent type-2 diabetes
  8. Improve energy level

You can be healthy by eating more carbs – good carbs provide instant energy and a slower release of sugar. Eating complex or unrefined carbs won’t make you miserable – in fact, at first, you might find them dull. However, with time, your body will adjust and you’ll come to enjoy these foods.

Suggested Reads: Protein-rich Foods


Consuming processed or refined carbohydrates on the weekends may be a good way of rewarding yourself for dieting during the week, but they should not be consumed as a meal in itself.

If you cut out those bad carb foods, but can still eat on weekends, you’ll find that your cravings for those foods will reduce themselves.

Eating low-GI foods can help keep you in the satiety zone for up to 3 hours. This helps you to avoid overeating and thus, lose weight.

Thank you

Fitness Blogger | Fitness Trainer | Weight Loss Nutritionist

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