Chair yoga is a form of yoga that is done on a chair. It is a traditional way to do yoga for those people who have mobility issues, or balance problems. These chair yoga exercises can be done by all ages, including office workers, seniors, and people who recovering from injuries.

Also, chair yoga exercises help improve blood flow, better breathing habits, stress reduction, and stretch stiff muscles.

Benefits of Chair Yoga Exercises

A study shows that chair yoga can help older adults build muscles, and develop upper and lower body strength.

Another study shows older adults who did yoga twice a week, mostly used chairs for support. After 12 weeks, they felt less afraid of falling, had more confidence in their physical abilities, and had improved flexibility and balance in their lower bodies.

Other Health Benefits of Chair Yoga

  • Good for joint
  • Improve flexibility
  • Stress reduction
  • Improve balance
  • Improve coordination
  • Improve circulation
  • Improve muscle strength
  • Improve posture

Study shows that 15 minutes of office chair yoga reduces stress and elicits a relaxation response.

Chair yoga exercises

Chair Yoga Exercises

These easy chair yoga poses can be done at home, offices, and wherever you like doing it.

1. Chair cat-cow pose

This yoga pose is also known as Chakravakasana. This pose is good for promoting spinal flexibility.

Sit on a chair with feet flat on the ground and hip-width apart. Sit straight and place your hands on your thigh.

  • Breathe in and arch your upper back, looking up as far as possible without lifting your shoulders.
  • Breathe out and round your back, bringing your chin toward your chest and your head forward.

Repeat this movement five times, inhale as you arch (cow position) and exhale as you round your back (cat position).

Chair yoga exercises

2. Chair spinal twist

This yoga pose is also known as Parivrtta Utkatasana. This pose is good for promoting spinal flexibility, balance, and core strength.

Sit sideways on a chair with feet flat to the ground and hip-width apart. Inhale and grab the chair with your hands.

  1. On exhale, twist your body toward one side, and keep your legs in line, engage your core. Hold for five second

Switch sides and repeat this movement five times.

3. Chair raised hands pose

This yoga pose is also known as Urdhva Hastasana. This pose strengthens legs, improves balance, and improves posture.

Sit on a chair with feet flat to the ground and hip-width apart.

  1. On inhale, straighten your arms towards the ceiling.
  2. Stretch your upper body and lengthen your spine as well as you can.
  3. Hold in this position for a few breaths.

Exhale lower the arm to the thigh and repeat the movement five times.

4. Chair side stretch

This pose helps relieve stress in the neck, shoulders, and upper back,

Sit on a chair with feet flat on the ground and hip-width apart. Grab the chair with your hands.

  1. On inhale, and bend toward the right side, To help with balance grab the chair from the left side.
  2. Feel the stretch on the sides of your waist and torso.

Hold for a few breaths and repeat the movement five times.

5. Chair forward bend

This pose can help improve flexibility in the hamstrings and provide relief from lower back strain.

Sit straight on a chair with feet flat on the ground and hip-width apart. Place your hand on the side.

  1. On exhale, lean forward over the legs. Make sure to engage the core and stretch properly.

Repeat the movement several times.

6. Chair pigeon

This yoga pose is also known as Eka Pada Rajakapotasana. This pose can help stretch and release tension in the hips and lower back.

Sit straight on a chair with feet flat on the ground and hip-width apart. Place your hand on your knees.

  1. Lift your right foot (ankle) and place it on the left knee.
  2. Press your right knee to feel the stretch.

Hold this position for a few breaths repeat this with the left leg and continue for 3 sets.

7. Chair eagle

This yoga pose is also known as Garudasana. This pose is good for stretching and strengthening the shoulders and upper back.

Sit straight on a chair with feet flat on the ground and hip-width apart. Place your hand on your knees.

  1. Lift your right thigh and cross it to the left thigh, just like crossing your legs.
  2. Aim to reach to the left leg ankle.
  3. Cross your right arm over your left arm at the elbows, aiming to reach your palms.

Hold this position for several breaths and maintain stability, repeat this movement with your left leg.

A word from Fitness Scenz

These are great chair yoga exercises you can do. Chair yoga poses are a wonderful way to improve posture, strengthen your legs, and promote spinal health. chair yoga allows you to engage your muscles and stretch your body while sitting comfortably in a chair.

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